Stem Cell Technology

Stemedica’s proprietary expansion processes create stem cells with unique gene arrays and protein expression profiles, which enhances proliferation, migration and differentiation.

SanoMSC or itMSC (ischemic-tolerant mesenchymal stem cells) are obtained from adult bone marrow and processed in a low oxygen environment, allowing the cells to display ischemic tolerant properties. SanoMSC act as “trophic” cells in stem cells treatment; they work primarily on the environment for healing. Circulating throughout the body and homing to sites of injury, they release high amounts of growth factors (including VEGF) into the damaged tissue, rescuing damaged cells from death and creating the right conditions for the newly mobilized cells to proliferate and repair.

SanoMSC helps build the connective tissue (or the matrix) of the body by growing new blood vessels (angiogenesis). This is an important action for repair and regeneration of tissues. 

 ischemic-tolerant mesenchymal-stem-cells

SanoNSC or itNSC (ischemic-tolerant neural stem cells) are obtained from donated fetal brain tissue and processed in a low oxygen environment, allowing them to display ischemic tolerant properties. SanoNSC are mostly undifferentiated, multipotent cells that generate the main phenotypes of the nervous system. SanoNSC primarily differentiate into neurons and glia cells, which are part of nerves, spinal cord and brain. 


SanoMSC & SanoNSC have the following attributes: 

  • Ischemic and toxic tolerant: Stemedica stem cells are manufactured in hypoxic environments and specifically formulated to combat ischemic conditions. For example, itMSC secrete factors: such as VEGF and SDF-1, that enhance the healing process. VEGF is critical for new blood vessel growth, and SDF-1 helps prevent cellular death.
  • Immune privileged: Stemedica’s stem cells do not exhibit HLA proteins that cause rejection. Independent biosafety labs test all cell types to confirm the lack of HLA expression. No immunosuppressant agents are required during transplantation.
  • Documented safety: All stem cells undergo rigorous testing for infectious disease, acute and chronic toxicity and tumorigenicity.
  • Established purity: Stemedica maintains rigorous specifications for each of the appropriate biological markers that indicate cell purity. Furthermore, extensive batch testing indicates lot-to-lot reproducibility.
  • Validated potency: For stem cells to be effective in vivo (in the human body), they must secrete the appropriate growth factors, cytokines and hormones. The stem cells must also demonstrate the ability to differentiate into specific types of tissues, i.e. bone, neurons or cartilage. Stemedica SC meet these criteria.
  • Fully characterized: Each of Stemedica’s stem cells products is thoroughly analysed in terms of gene analysis and protein profile.
  • Ability to mobilize host progenitor cells: Stemedica’s stem cells help mobilize the body’s resources in the regenerative process.